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Black Owned

Teacher Curated


"I ordered a gift for my 3 year old for Christmas. It arrived in record time and was in the cutest packaging. We bought the emotions cards. We have found it so helpful in helping my daughter name emotions and translate that into her own experiences. The quality is excellent and the customer experience could not be better. I recommend these products to anyone."- Katie


"My son is only 13 mths old but I've already started incorporating Montessori in Color into his play time. Love the intention and high quality - will be buying many more in the future!"- Tegan


"So thankful for you all. My son is autistic and has always been labeled as someone with delays but this puzzle was such a gateway to all kinds of play that he’s now doing things even his peers can’t do. For that reason, this puzzle will always hold a special place in my heart and I can’t wait until my youngest can play with it"- Daniella