Setting Up A Montessori Space: Sleeping Area
We spoke about the importance of preparing the environment for the child to encourage independence. We will talk about what that looks like for the sleeping area. Also, if your home is set up like mine, the sleep area and play area are all in one. Please note: this does not have to be exact and you can tailor these ideas for your space, budget and capabilities. As always, please make sure that this area is 100% safe for your child. This is always #1.
1) A floor bed or a mattress/cot on the floor. The child can get in and out of this without any help and they aren't restricted or feel held back by four walls.
2) A child height closet, a metal rod installed low that a child can reach or baskets/bins on the floor that the child can pick their own clothes. If your child has a lot of clothes. You can put a few of each article of clothing out at a time.
3) A bookcase/low wall shelf for books.